
I’m Sasha!

I’m Sasha, and for as long as I can remember, I have been a fierce animal lover and protector, even escorting spiders to safety. This deep love for all creatures led me to pursue a Bachelor’s of Science in Applied Biology (honours) from the University of British Columbia.

Through my schooling, I was introduced to the world of animal welfare, and started working and volunteering in wildlife rehabilitation and emergency animal care. This work was so very fulfilling, but also draining. I saw first hand the impact I could have on individual animals, but wanted to do more.

So, I spent all my free-time developing digital skills that could help me to help others in their missions to create a more kind and compassion world, for animals, humans, and our shared environment. I believe that the power of storytelling can help bring awareness to animal welfare and conservation issues and inspire people to take action.

I’m fortunate to have found a career that combines my passions for animal welfare and communications. I have gained extensive experience in web development (including SEO and accessibility), multimedia design, digital marketing (including social media), content creation (photography and videography), and communications, which I use to support organizations dedicated to animal welfare and environmental issues.