I have been working with fellow animal welfarists throughout North America to bring attention to various feral rabbit colonies and their associated rescue efforts through photography, blog posts, and content creation, and most significantly, an interacted map collecting user-reported data on abandoned pet rabbits, their feral offspring and the spread of RHD.
Living in urban environments, competing with native wildlife while dodging cars and predators. This is no life for a domestic pet rabbit.
Abandoned Rabbits – an organization developed to raise awareness of this issue – required everything from branding to website design and development. I aimed to create an intuitive website full of valuable and educational resources, as well as an interactive tracking portal taking user-submitted sightings of abandoned pet rabbits for rabbit rescuers and other animal advocates to use to provide rescue resources.
Abandoned pet rabbits who have found their way into the loving arms of animal rescuers and are now living out their days in a sanctuary.